Psychedelics Institute

Expanding the boundaries of psychedelic science

As a part of the Peak Rewards membership you get full access to to date research developments and emerging science from top physicians, researchers, and authors from every discipline of psychedelic medicine.

Hear from leading experts in psychedelic science

Adam Gazzaley
Adam Gazzaley

Founder & Director – Neuroscape. Professor – Neurology, Physiology and Psychiatry

Alex Wolfe
Alex Wolfe

Cofounder, COO of Circadian Wellness

Anthony Rossi
Anthony Rossi

CEO at Force One Capital | President & Co-Founder at Cubed Biotech

Dr. Ben Sessa
Dr. Ben Sessa

Chief Medical Officer, Awakn Life Sciences

Dr. Charles Raison
Dr. Charles Raison

MD, Director of Clinical and Translational Research at Usona Institute

Dr. Charles D. Nichols
Dr. Charles D. Nichols

PHD, Professor of Pharmacology, LSU Health, New Orleans, School of Medicine

Christopher Dawson
Christopher Dawson

Executive at Dimension Healing. Founder & CEO of Edgewood Health Network

Chris Kilham
Chris Kilham

Medicine Hunter

Cosmo Feilding Mellen
Cosmo Feilding Mellen

Director, Chief Executive Officer, Beckley Psytech

Dr. Daniel Rosenbaum
Dr. Daniel Rosenbaum

MD, FRCPC at the University Health Network (UHN)

David Champion
David Champion

Founder & CEO of Maya, Director of Unlimited Sciences

Dr. David E. Nichols
Dr. David E. Nichols

PHD, Professor of Pharmacology, & Former Robert C. & Charlotte P. Anderson Pharmacology Chair

Dr. Emma Hapke
Dr. Emma Hapke

MD, FRCPC, Researcher at University Health Network (UHN)

Hardi Pōder
Hardi Pōder

CEO / Founder at Inlibrium Ltd, Medicinal Mushrooms

Dr. Ingmar Gorman
Dr. Ingmar Gorman

PHD, Co-Founder, Fluence

Dr James Fadiman
Dr James Fadiman

PHD, The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide: Safe, Therapeutic and Sacred Journeys

Jeffrey Dignard
Jeffrey Dignard

Cofounder, Mountain Valley MD

Joshua White
Joshua White

Founder & Executive Director, Fireside Project

Dr. Lynn Marie Morski
Dr. Lynn Marie Morski

MD, JD, Psychedelic Medicine Association

Madison Margolin
Madison Margolin

Cofounder, Editor of DoubleBlind

Dr. Matthew Johnson
Dr. Matthew Johnson

PhD, Susan Hill Ward Endowed Professor of Psychedelics and Consciousness JHU

Mendel Kaelen
Mendel Kaelen

Founder & CEO, Wavepaths

Noah Potter
Noah Potter

Legal Market Strategies, New York City

Dr. Richard Knowles
Dr. Richard Knowles

PHD, Executive Director of Delos Psyche Research Group

Dr. Robin Arnott
Dr. Robin Arnott

CEO, Entheo Digital

Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris
Dr. Robin Carhart-Harris

Imperial College, London

Ronan Levy
Ronan Levy

Co-founder & Executive Chairman of Field Trip Health Ltd. (NASDAQ: FTRP, TSX:FTRP)

Sanjay Singhal
Sanjay Singhal

Director Nikean Foundation

Shelby Hartman
Shelby Hartman

Co-Founder and CEO of DoubleBlind

Tura Patterson
Tura Patterson

Senior Director, Strategic Partnerships, Usona Institute

Alex Ni
Alex Ni

CEO of Divergence Neuro

Payton Nyquvest
Payton Nyquvest

CEO of Numinus

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Peak Human is unfettered innovation. That value is based on our lifelong belief in continuous learning. Dr. Sanjeev Goel has spent decades acquiring knowledge from the front edge of medical innovation.

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